Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21st - Week 1 Observation

Today, I observed my micro aquarium for the first time since the initial set up and took several pictures of the various organisms I observed. At first, I had trouble locating anything, but as I became more familiar with the equipment I was using, I was able to locate several different organisms.

The first thing I spotted was a Rotifer. I was able to identify this as a Rotifer because of the transparent, wheel like structure of the organism. Throughout my observation, I spotted several more Rotifers. The second thing I came across was a Gastrotrichs. This one had a clear "slug like" appearance. However, the characteristic that led to the identification of this organism was its split tail. The last organism that I was able to identify was a Euglenoid. This one was easy to identify because of its green body and its red eye spot. I observed several other organisms, but I was unable to identify any of them. Some of them moved too fast to get a good look at and others were just too small.

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